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I’m on a mission to help as many aspiring artists as possible.
For over 20 years as a professional painter, I’ve developed easy-to-use, gallery-ready painting techniques that any beginner or experienced painter can quickly learn and master.
As we paint together, we bring more light, stunning color, and joy to many homes and lives.
For my entire career, I’ve loved blessing the lives of my collectors and many others with beautiful, expressive art.
But together, we can bless far more people than I ever could alone. Which is why I created a special community called, the…
Inside our “Let’s Dabble Club” monthly membership, we are a true family.
It’s where you can get additional access to me, my techniques, and our wonderful family of supportive Dabblers.
Each month’s painting course is filled with great techniques that help you use my “Textures of Life” painting techniques in many different ways.
These monthly painting courses are designed to…
That’s my goal for you.
Each time you join me in my studio, and as we paint together as a Club family, I want you to immediately get new insights and exciting techniques to make your paintings even more beautiful.
Because as you grow with me as an artist, you will have more wonderful opportunities to bless the lives of others with your special hobby.
Now, inside the “Let’s Dabble Club,” there are many wonderful things to look forward to.
Which is why I’d now like to take you on your very own…
We’re going to have such a wonderful time together!
Our tour of the “Let’s Dabble Club” will take us through 6 destinations, including the two pillar perks of membership and 7 exciting bonuses.
Here’s what you can look forward to as you join me and our fabulous family of devoted Dabblers on this mission to bring the world more beauty and joy.
Each month, you will get to learn how to paint a beautiful new painting.
We meet together LIVE online, and I teach you how to paint the painting of the month.
Plus, you will get access to the recordings of the live course so you can re-watch and paint in your own time and at your own pace.
Meeting together each month to learn a new painting will help you increase your confidence as a painter each month.
You’ll also get to learn many more of my painting secrets and watch me as I demonstrate them LIVE.
Painting is such a rewarding hobby. But it’s SO much more fun painting together!
This is my FAVORITE part of our “Let’s Dabble Club” membership… because we’re a real family.
You never have to feel ALONE or FORGOTTEN ever again.
As a Club family member, you get access to this vibrant, loving, supportive community of Dabblers. It’s housed in a private, members-only Facebook Group.
This is where we share our paintings with each other, where we ask for suggestions, where we cheer each other on, and where we support and help one another.
I can’t wait to welcome you into our Club family!
As a Club member, you don’t just get to paint with me live ONCE a month… you get to join me TWICE a month during our bonus 2nd session.
In these sessions, we sometimes do extra fun things like my PostPalleteTM paintings with “painting skins.”
Other times we learn an entirely new painting. Or, we take a painting we’ve learned recently and add something new and fun to it, to enhance what we did before.
It’s a little different every month. But it’s a thrill to paint together AGAIN each month!
In the last week of every month, we have a very SPECIAL live painting session called “Dabble Rewind.”
This is where you can turn on your camera and show me your work as we revisit a painting we’ve painted before in the Club.
You can give LIVE critique from me as you show me your canvas.
This 3rd LIVE painting event each month also gets recorded so you can revisit it in your membership area any time you like.
Every time we paint together here in the Club, we like to giveaway prizes!
So, during our 3 LIVE painting sessions each month, if you’re there with us LIVE on the call, you can enter your name for the prize wheel giveaway.
You can win all sorts of prizes, including free top-grade paints, Dabble supplies, gift cards, palette knife sets, and many more. We change it up every time, but we just love sending you FREE things! So don’t miss our live calls so you can have more chances to WIN!
I spent over 3 years developing my very own line of paints and paint supplies.
Of all the paints I’ve used during my 20+ year professional career, it thrills me to tell you that these are the BEST, top-grade paints I’ve EVER used!
And, in the Dabble Paint Store, they are much less expensive than they would be from a typical painting supplies store.
As a Club member, we give you a $20 gift card to the Dabble Paint store EACH and every month!
This is to help you get more supplies for less, so you can enjoy painting MORE!
In addition to a new painting every month and all the other fun things you get in the Club…You ALSO get the previous month’s painting courses and painting sessions FOR FREE!
This extra free bonus series of monthly paintings allows you to enjoy even more wonderful painting sessions for me right from the start of your membership.
As soon as you join, you’ll immediately see the previous month’s paintings appear in your member’s portal so you can access them right away.
I’d LOVE to invite you into my studio as I paint my commissions for my galleries and collectors.
I’ll turn on my headphones, turn on the cameras, and you can watch me work.
I won’t talk. I’ll be in full artistic flow. But now you can watch me work.
It’s especially fun when it’s a HUGE painting like the one you see below. I had to use a ladder!
I’ll turn on my headphones, turn on the cameras, and you can watch me work.
I won’t talk. I’ll bein full artistic flow. But now you can watch me work.
It’s especially fun when it’s a HUGE painting like the one you see below. I had to use a ladder!
Now, you can watch all your courses, lives, and so much more right on your own cell phone or tablet app.
You can take me on the go, into your studio, or wherever you want with our new app.
All your painting courses will be inside, all in one convenient, easy-to-access app.
Plus, it works on your desktop computer and TV too!
After you begin this wonderful journey in the “Let’s Dabble Club, you’ll start to have quite a few paintings you’ve completed.
Of course, you can give them away as gifts to friends and family.
But many of our Dabble Club family are also having gallery shows of their own, and even selling their paintings!
Many of these wonderful Dabblers were total beginners when they first started painting with me.
And now, to see them spreading beauty and color and joy in galleries, in art shows, and all around the world…It makes me so proud and happy!
Soon, you could be featured in a gallery or art show yourself!
Imagine that!
is Currently CLOSED to New Members
I’m on a mission to help as many aspiring artists as possible. And it was my father who got me started on this mission.
In the days before his passing, he reminded me of something he’d taught me many times. It’s this… First, you get as much success for yourself as you can.
Then, you spend the rest of your life, giving similar success to as many other people as you can.
That’s why I give my students ALL my painting secrets.
Painting is such a wonderful, joyful hobby. It helps you express your creativity in a unique way. But the best part is…
Your paintings will bless the lives of others, too!
That’s why I love painting so much.
Because it brings joy to you and those you share it with. So, with your new painting hobby, which of your friends will you bless first?
And just think of all the special birthdays or anniversaries you can make extra special with a gift of a unique, bright Textures of Life painting.
This is why I want to make painting as EASY as possible for you. So you can bless more and more people’s lives!
However, as this is a monthly membership, you may be wondering…
Of course, if you decide the “Let’s Dabble Club” family and membership is not for you…You can cancel at any time.
As this is a monthly membership with live experiences, we cannot offer any refunds on membership dues. That’s the nature of programs like these.
But if you decide you need to cancel, simply reach out to us at [email protected] and we will help you get squared away.
We’ll miss seeing you in our lives, in the Facebook Community, and in the Dabble Library.
But we will party as friends and wish you well.
Now, if you’re ready to have the time of your life and become part of our Dabble Club family, click the button below.
is Currently CLOSED to New Members
You Are NOT Forgotten!
Sometimes life can get lonely.
That’s especially true if your kids have grown and gone.
Or if you’ve retired and life has slowed down and become very quiet.
Sometimes we hear from our wonderful Dabblers that they felt lost… and even forgotten.
But as a member of our “Let’s Dabble Club” family…You are NOT alone. And you are NEVER forgotten.
We are here, together, to lift each other, to support each other, and to bring light and beauty and joy to the world together.
Imagine how full of love and beauty your life will be as you continue to paint with us.
And you know what?
We need your light and love too.
We are such a close-knit family. And the more we grow, the more people we can bless.
So, if you’re ready to belong…If you’re ready to be seen and heard and understood, and appreciated by a family of similarly enthusiastic artists…The “Let’s Dabble Club” membership is the place for you.
To join this wonderful family, simply click the button below.
We can’t WAIT to welcome you to our Club family!
And the “Let’s Dabble Club” is the most wonderful artistic home I know if, anywhere!
I feel so blessed to be a part of it, and to watch you grow into the wonderful artist that’s waiting inside of you!
There’s so much in store for you here.
And not just a monthly painting…Not just multiple live painting sessions each month…Not just discounts on paints and supplies…
But there’s a REAL family waiting for you here.
This is truly a special place.
And as you become a part of it, you’ll experience firsthand what it’s like to be part of such a unique family who is dedicated to blessing the lives of others with our paintings. It’s a truly exceptional experience, and we can’t wait to welcome you in!
“Let’s Dabble Club”
Membership For Only…
is Currently CLOSED to New Members
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