“When I watched Jen’s video, something came alive inside me. It was like, ‘Wow, I think I can make something beautiful with what she’s showing me!’ ”

Diana B.

Here’s What My Students Are Saying…

**Start 2025 with This Special Gift!**


When You Get This “First 5” Bundle…

Join Below!

"UPGRADED First 5"


Let’s Dabble: First 5

The Painting Journey That’s Turned Over 3,200 Art Enthusiasts Into REAL ARTISTS!

I’ll show you how to use my “Sky, Depth, & Texture” to paint these 5 gorgeous paintings on your very first try—even if you’ve never painted before, have shaky hands, and can’t even draw a straight line.

And Until Sunday Night,

You Also Get These “Next 5” FOR FREE!

Give yourself the gift of a new hobby you’ll love! Join thousands of aspiring artists in this one-of-a-kind painting course.

Your friends and family will be so stunned, they won’t believe you painted these.






"Never in a million years did I think I could be a painter!"

"When my son saw my painting, he said to me, ‘Mom, did you ever think you’d be a painter?’ Never in a million years this side of heaven did I think I could be a painter. But now I am! I’m so grateful!"

— Cheryl S., Texas, 80

Discover How A Few Simple “Butter-Knife”
Techniques Can Help You Create Your
Own Masterpiece In About 3 Hours

This Special Opportunity Ends December 31st at Midnight

Enroll Today In the...

Let's Dabble: First 5

Total Value = $2,397

Yours Today for One Payment of…


Access for Life!

NO long-term payments. NO surprises.

Just pure enjoyment for as long

as you want, at your own pace!

From: Jennifer Vranes

Medford, Oregon

Dear Creative Soul,

Picture this…

You’re welcoming friends and family into your home this holiday season. 

As you take their coats and lead them to the living room… they see a gorgeous, colorful, beautiful new painting you recently finished, hanging on the wall…

“Wow! That’s amazing. Where did you get that?” they ask, in awe.

“Oh, I just finished that last week,” you smile.

“Wait, YOU painted that?” they gasp.

“Yeah, I joined an online painting program a couple weeks ago, it’s been so fun!” you grin.

Can you imagine how great that will feel?

This is exactly the kind of experience my Dabblers regularly have.

But, painting such gorgeous landscapes is really hard, right? WRONG!

What’s the secret? How have 1,000s of Dabblers learned my exact methods to paint WOW paintings so quickly?

And how can you use these techniques to quickly paint gorgeous paintings your family and friends will LOVE… paintings they might even fight over after you’re gone?

As soon as you discover my easy “butter-knife” painting secret and the 6 simple “masterpiece” steps I’ve been using for the past 20 years to get featured in galleries and private collections all over the world… magic happens. There’s really no other way to describe it.

To succeed painting these gorgeous paintings, even if you’re a beginner…

  • You don’t need to know how to sketch…

  • You don’t need traditional paint brushes…

  • You don’t need to have ever painted before in your life…

  • You don’t even need to be able to draw a decent stick figure…

Because when you use the simple techniques, I show you in my Let’s Dabble: Upgraded First 5 Paintings course…

You, like the thousands of aspiring painters before you will finally understand just how easy it is to paint such beautiful landscape paintings.

And these aren’t just any paintings.

These are paintings I’ve been painting for over 25 years and selling to my collectors and galleries around the world.

“Ok, Sure… But What Do the Paintings of New Dabblers Look Like? Are They Any Good?”

It’s a fair question.

Can someone who hasn’t painted in years… or EVER… really complete my paintings and get them to look any good?

Well, here are a few examples of my Dabbler’s first attempts.

See what you think… here are examples of what many of my 1st-time students are accomplishing when they paint these 5 paintings and others like them…

The best part of discovering how enjoyable it is to paint these paintings is…

You can share them with those you love.

Picture yourself presenting a gift to a loved one.

You’ve never given a gift quite like this before. But when you woke that morning, you had the idea to paint them their own colorful painting.

And just a few hours later, you finished. After an hour or two, it was dry, and you wrapped it up special, ready for delivery.

The look on their face when they unwrapped their gift… that’s the kind of expression can only call “priceless.”

That’s a gift they’ll never forget. They’ll even pass it down to their children.

And that’s what you’ll learn to do inside my painting course.


Let’s Dabble: Upgraded First 5

Discover How To Complete Each of These

5 “WOW” Paintings In 6 Simple Steps!

Not sure you can actually paint something so beautiful?

Neither were my thousands of Dabblers who’ve learned my methods. But now they’re painting gorgeous landscapes every day. It’s so inspiring to watch them pick up my techniques so quickly!

Not sure you have enough time to learn how to paint?

This is one of the best parts about my method… It's FAST! You can finish your first painting in as little as 3 hours, start-to-finish!

And that’s true even if you’re a brand-new beginner.

What My Students Are Saying About Painting These 5 Paintings

But of course, you don’t HAVE to paint quite that fast if you don’t want to. Feel free to take your time.

Tried painting before and it just didn’t work for you?

Let me guess, was it watercolors you tried before? Watercolors are HARD. You don’t need to work so hard, especially when my palette knife methods are so fast and easy.

With these palette knife techniques and the perfect mixtures of acrylic paint, you’ll LOVE how easy it is to paint these gorgeous landscapes.

Not sure it’s the right time for you to learn how to paint?

Imagine how much your family and loved ones will enjoy receiving the gift of a personalized painting from you. They’ll keep it for years… even generations!

Few things can help you remain with your family after you’re gone. But one of them is a special painting you created just for them. Every time they see it, they’ll remember you. Which is why now is the best time to share your love with them.

Painting Stunning Landscapes

Is Really Hard, Right? WRONG!

Hello, my dear artistic friend,

I’m on a mission to make painting beautiful landscapes easy.

Most people think it’s really hard.

They wish they could paint. But when they see a painting tutorial, they think…

“That looks so complicated. It must take months to finish a painting. I could never do that!”

The real problem isn’t that they aren’t talented enough, or artistic enough, or creative enough.

The real problem is…

99% of art teachers overcomplicate painting.

That’s what makes it look so hard.

I’ve spent the last 25 years simplifying painting. I’ve boiled all the overcomplicated methods down to an easy, 3-part framework. It’s the secret to my success.

This is the exact framework I use to paint for the top galleries around the country. And it’s exactly how I paint for thousands of my collectors—including sports stars, music stars, and even members of the Royal Family. 

This framework works for painting any kind of nature scene. Forests. Flowers. Vineyards. Mountains. Rivers. Lakes. Sunsets. Any nature scene you can imagine will come to life on canvas with this framework. 

I call this simple framework, “Sky, Depth, & Texture.”

5 years ago, I started teaching this framework to others. And now, I’ve helped over 3,200 art enthusiasts become real artists—many of whom sell their paintings to galleries and collectors, too.

“Sky, Depth, & Texture” works so well that…

Anyone Who Uses This Framework Can Create a Stunning Painting of Any Nature Scene.

You don’t need to know how to draw. You don’t need to have any past painting experience. You don’t need to be born with any talent.

In fact, you already have all the techniques you need to paint stunning nature scenes. 

You really only need 1 technique. It’s the technique you use to butter a piece of toast. Or spread cream cheese on a bagel. Or frost a cupcake.

Put this 1 technique together with my 3-part “Sky, Depth, & Texture” framework, and you’re set.

For example, take a look at these…

Gorgeous Paintings By Total Beginners

This is my student, Sally. 

She describes herself as a person with a science brain, NOT an art brain. 

Yet, she was looking for a rewarding hobby and found out about my painting methods. 

She decided to give it a try. And to her surprise, she discovered that painting using my framework was really easy.

Here she is holding her first two paintings.

When her husband saw them, he said, in amazement, “You did that?”

Her new hobby has completely changed her life. She doesn’t even want to watch TV or the news anymore. She just wants to paint as much as she can!

Here’s one of Yolanda’s first paintings. 

When Yolanda first joined one of my painting tutorials, she didn’t have much painting experience. 

She wasn’t sure she could paint what see saw on our video. But, she picked up the “Sky, Depth, & Texture” framework very quickly.

Here is one of her recent paintings which was accepted into a big art exhibit.

She especially loves the camaraderie we have in our group of painters… my “Dabblers,” as I call them. We’re like a family. 

Yolanda told me… “Stumbling upon your class was the best thing ever. I’m so blessed. 🙂

Here is Andrea’s second painting. 

Andrea hadn’t painted in many years when she discover my “Sky, Depth, & Texture” framework. 

She was thrilled when she saw how quickly she could finish a painting. She works full time and regularly helps with her grandkids. But thanks to how easy “Sky, Depth, & Texture” is, she can paints almost every day.

Now, Andrea has painted over 100 paintings, and 

some of them have even been put on display in her local art gallery.

Recently, this landscape of hers won the 1st prize blue ribbon in an art competition.

When you learn my simple “Sky, Depth, & Texture” framework, you can paint any nature scene beautifully, even if it’s your first time trying.

And I’m going to prove it. I’m going to show you how over 3,200 art enthusiasts have become wonderful landscape painters by following the roadmap I’ve laid out for you inside of…

Let’s Dabble: First 5

The Painting Journey That’s Turned Over 3,200 Art Enthusiasts Into REAL ARTISTS!

Let Me Show You What You’ll Be Painting With Me…

Here are the 5 unique landscape paintings you’ll paint with me inside the new UPGRADED First 5 painting course.

Of course, you know this painting already. You painted it in the old First 5 course. But now, in the UPGRADED First 5, we have hours and hours of extra footage of me painting alongside other Dabblers. 

So, even though this painting is also in the original First 5 course, now you can discover how to paint it with even more interesting detail.

Here are the 6 steps I’ll walk you through…

In your second painting, we’ll create a beautiful countryside filled with bright sunflowers. We’ll use some very thick greens and yellows. And we’ll even add a little butterfly using my PostPallete technique. Here are the 6 steps we’ll take from blank canvas to finished sunflower dream.

Next, you’ll join me on a beautiful vineyard road as we pass through vines heavy with luscious bunches of purple grapes.

We will go deeper into layering to get those heavy grapes to bulge right off the page. They’ll be so plump you’ll want to pick and eat them.

Here are the 6 steps we’ll take through this bounteous scene.

Don’t you just LOVE how bright and happy poppies are? I captured images of these poppies on a trip to Italy, and now they will find a colorful place in your home.

In this 4th painting, we will take our first swipe at adding water to a landscape. To most painters, water presents a big challenge. Yet, with my palette knife and brush techniques, carve a lovely river right into your country scene.

A wow, that RED! With a simple swipe of the palette knife and perhaps more paint than you thought would be allowed, your poppies will come to life.

In your final painting of the 5, we’ll put all the techniques you’ve learned together into this majestic mountain scene.

The purples and greens and blues all mixing with the bright wild flowers… ah, you’ll love this!

And all set in front of a snow-capped mountain with sunlight beaming through the trees.

How much fun will this be? You’ll have many more colorful paintings as you add sunflowers, poppies, vineyards, and mountain scenes to your catalog of palette knife paintings.

Get The NEXT 5 Painting Tutorials FREE!

After you finish your new FIRST 5 Paintings, you’ll be ready for your NEXT 5 paintings. These paintings will help you take the techniques you discover in the “First” 5 to create these 5 beautiful paintings. 

And when you purchase BEFORE midnight on Sunday Night...

You get these Next 5 for FREE!






Plus, You’ll Get These

5 FREE Additional Bonuses!

Detailed Notes for Each Painting

You’ll LOVE this complete reference guide of my secret painting tips all at your fingertips. These detailed notes break down each of my time-tested techniques to complete each of the 5 paintings included in this course.

Instead of having to re-watch entire videos to remember the tips and techniques I’m teaching you, now you can simply refer to these wonderful painting notes and refresh your memory at a glance.

100 Royalty Free Curated Reference Photos

Every painting I create comes from a reference photo. What is a reference photo? It’s a professional level photograph of the scene I’m going to paint. I tack it up on my easel right next to my canvas so I can “reference” it at every step of the painting process.

I’ve taken literally thousands of reference photos and selected the 100 best landscape photos for you to use. Normally, when I purchase reference photos from another artist, I pay anywhere from $50 to $100 for just ONE photo.

And you are going to get my own 100 reference photos FOR FREE! Imagine the fun you’ll have painting these incredible scenes!

NEW Exclusive Facebook Group Community

When you Join in the all-new UPGRADED First 5, you’ll get immediate access to our NEW private Facebook Group.

This is where you can post your New First 5 paintings… ask questions… get feedback… and support your fellow painters. It is a wonderful group of excellent people. Everyone is always so positive and helpful.

You can’t really put a price tag on such a community. But soon, you will love engaging with your new painting friends regularly in this group… which focuses exclusively on these “First 5” paintings.

Bonus Tutorial Library for Each Painting

Inside this library of additional painting videos, you’ll enjoy watching extra videos that detail each painting further. Together, we’ll enhance your trees, add various colors to your sunflower fields, and fill each painting with even more texture and beauty.

“Let’s Dabble” Apron Painting Pins

Once you complete your first of these all-new UPGRADED First 5 paintings, you can send us a photo of your painting, and we’ll send you a Let’s Dabble apron and 1st painting pin.

And as you continue to paint each of these Upgraded First 5 paintings, once you complete your 5th painting, we’ll send you another pin… your 5th painting pin. That way, you can celebrate your accomplishment and wear your pins with pride each time you paint.

Enroll Today
For 1 Payment of Only…


Access for Life!

NO long-term payments. NO surprises.

Just pure enjoyment for as long

as you want, at your own pace!

You Have to LOVE This…

Or You Get Your Money Back!

Here’s my promise to you…

I guarantee the Let’s Dabble: Upgraded First 5 course will teach you how to effectively use my proven and professional painting techniques… techniques I’ve used to sell millions of dollars worth of paintings.

I’m confident that, if you put these techniques to use, you can paint these 5 gorgeous paintings. And you can finish them in as little as 3 hours, if you want. But really, there’s no rush. You can take your time.

Of course, I cannot force you to put your palette knives to the canvas and use these techniques. So, I’m counting on you to do your part. But I promise you, if you do, you’ll absolutely LOVE this course.

You MUST be 100% satisfied with your experience in this course.

You MUST be ecstatic with what you’re learning and enjoying…

Otherwise, you can get your money back in full.

Just let me and my team know with a quick email within 30 days of your purchase, and we will send you a full refund.

Sound fair?

What You’re Getting Inside the


  • PAINTING TUTORIAL #1: Big Aspen Blue

  • PAINTING TUTORIAL #2: Sunflower Dreams

  • PAINTING TUTORIAL #3: Vineyard Bounty

  • PAINTING TUTORIAL #4: Springtime Poppies

  • PAINTING TUTORIAL #5: Mountain Majesty

  • 5 *NEW* PAINTING TUTORIALS: The “Next” 5

  • BONUS #1: Detailed Notes for Each Painting

  • BONUS #2: 100 Royalty Free Curated Reference Photos

  • BONUS #3: Exclusive Facebook Group Community

  • BONUS #4: Bonus Tutorial Library for Each Painting

  • BONUS #5: Let’s Dabble Apron, 1st & 5th Painting Pins

Total Value = $2,379

Join Today For 1 Payment of Only…


Access for Life!

NO long-term payments. NO surprises.
Just pure enjoyment for as long

as you want, at your own pace!


"It's been a lifesaver!"

"Emotionally, these classes have been a lifesaver. My spirits started lifting. My husband said I was smiling. I was dancing around the house. He said 'I've never seen you like this before.'"
— Linda A. Let's Dabble Student


"It's amazing!"

"To have a blank canvas and all of a sudden magically have a beautiful painting with such texture and color, it's amazing, even for someone like me who'd never had an art lesson in my life."

— Jill K, Let's Dabble Student

Leave A Legacy
For Your Family

Now You Get To Enjoy A Hobby

That Allows You To Share Joy!

Now, you can share these colorful new paintings with your friends and family.

You’ve already enjoyed the original First 5 Aspen Tree paintings. And now you can expand your abilities with these new paintings. 

I can’t wait to see how much you enjoy these NEW “First 5” paintings.

They’ve brought so much joy to thousands of new “Dabblers.” And I know you’ll love them too.

Click the button below to Join in the all-new UPGRADED First 5 course today for only $397!

But hurry… this special opportunity ends this Sunday at Midnight!

From my easel to your home,

Jennifer Vranes

First 5

Join Today In the NEW… 


(**Plus 5 MORE Bonus Painting Tutorials**)

Total Value = $2,397

Yours Today for One Payment of…


Access for Life!

NO long-term payments. NO surprises.

Just pure enjoyment for as long

as you want, at your own pace!

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